STRIP BLACKJACK INSTRUCTIONS For Strip Poker & BlackJack From BodyCello BlackJack is simple to learn, yet true mastery of the game takes years of dedicated practice and study. So with these instructions, and a few simple tips, you should be on your way to mastering the game. •HOW TO PLAY BLACKJACK The goal of Blackjack is to end up with cards totaling as near to or equaling, but not over, 21. The players are dealt two cards each, both face up, and the dealer is dealt two cards, one face up and one face down. The players, or player (as you are the only person playing the dealer, Michelle, in THE ULTIMATE STRIP POKER & BLACKJACK) then selects to either be given more cards or to stay with what he has. If the player goes over 21, he automatically looses. If he stays under 21, then the dealer selects cards and has a chance to beat her. Strip BlackJack starts out by letting you place your bet. You place your bet with the arrows on the right side of the screen, or with the menu if you have a 12" monitor. The large arrows raise the bet by $50 and the smaller arrows raise the bet by $10. The maximum bet is $250. When you have chosen how much to bet, hit the "OK" button flashing on the top center of the screen. After placing your bet, you are dealt your first cards. At this point you must ad their values to see what your next move should be. In BlackJack the cards have the following values: CARD: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A VALUE: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 1or11 The Ace has two values, either 1 or 11, and you can choose which value you would like to use. If your cards add up to 21, then you are an instant winner. You have drawn a "Natural BlackJack" and the dealer pays you 1.5 to 1. (One and a half times what you bet). If your cards total less than 21, then you must decide if you would like to recieve another card (HIT), or stay with the cards you have been dealt (STAY). Remember that your goal is to end with cards totaling as near to or equaling 21, BUT NOT TO GO OVER. Once you have taken another card, then it's value is permanantly added to your total. You may not elect to give it back, or take it away. Therefore, if you have a 19, the odds are good that you will get more than an ace (value 1) or a two (value 2), and will therefore go bust. You can always look at the dealers card that was dealt face up. This will tell a more experienced player what the dealer is likely to end up with. You must not only stay under 21, but must also beat the dealer to win. If you elect to recieve another card, select the "HIT" button at the right of ths screen, or select "HIT" from the "OPTIONS" menu if you have a 12" monitor. The the computer will ad your new card to your old cards and decide whether 1) You have gone bust (more than 21…You loose), 2) You have been dealt a BlackJack (Cards total 21… Dealer gets a chance to tie you… You can't select to recieve more cards), or 3) You still have cards totaling less than 21, in which case you are given the option of recieving more cards (HIT), or staying with what you now have (STAY). To Hit again, use the "HIT" button at the right of the screen or select "HIT" from the "OPTIONS" menu if you have a 12" Monitor. To Stay, use the "STAY" button at the right of the screen or select "STAY" from the "OPTIONS" menu if you have a 12" Monitor. You can select to hit up to 3 times. That means that the most cards you can end up with is 5 (the two you started with, and up to three more). If you hit three times, and are still under 21, then whatever you end up with is what the dealer has to beat. (There is no five-card-Charlie rule in THE ULTIMATE STRIP POKER & BLACKJACK). After you are through recieving cards (You have 21, have hit "STAY," or have 5 cards total) the dealer has the opportunity to attempt to beat you. One of his cards was dealt face down, and this card is now turned over. If the dealer has 21, then he wins unless you have a 21 (See the paragraph on "INSURANCE" below). If the dealer has a 17 or better, then he wins if his cards total more than yours, and you win if your cards total more than his. If the Dealers cards add up to 16 or less, then she MUST hit. Even if her cards total more than yours, the dealer MUST hit if she has a 16 or less. The dealer must Stay if her cards add up to 17 or more. Even if you will beat her, she cannot hit if she has a seventeen or above. Keep this in mind. A 13 might not be a bad hand to end with if the dealer ends up going bust. When the dealer has either 1) gotten between 17 and 21, or 2) gone bust, then the round is over. If the dealer goes bust, you automatically win. If the dealer stays between 17 and 21 then both Players cards are tallied and the highest score wins. If there is a tie, your bet goes back into your bank, and you loose nothing. After the winner is paid, the next round begins. There are three decks of cards in the BlackJack Deck. The deck is not shuffled until the very last card is dealt. It is therefore possible to keep track of what card have and haven't been dealt to better your odds. If, in the middle of a round, the last card runs out, the game pauses to shuffle the decks. Do not be alarmed if the game shuffles in the middle of a round, and please be patient during shuffling as there are a lot of cards to shuffle. If, during play, the dealer is dealt his first two cards, and the face up card is an ace, then you are given the option to buy "Insurance." Insurance is bought using the "INSURANCE BUTTON" or the "INSURE ME" item in the "INSURANCE" menu. To reject Insurance, either hit the "OK" button, or pick "NO INSURANCE" from the "INSURANCE" menu. Insurance costs half of your bet. If you bet $100 then insurance costs $50. When you insure, you are betting that the dealers other card is a 10, J, Q, or K and the dealer has a BlackJack. If the dealer has Blackjack, then you loose only your insurance, and not your bet. If the dealer does not have insurance, then you play normally and the insurance cost is lost. If you go bust during play, then you loose both your insurance and your bet. Another option that is available is "DOUBLE DOWN." To Double Down you either hit the "DOUBLE DOWN" button or select "DOUBLE DOWN" from the "OPTIONS" menu. You may double down only after your first two cards are dealt. If you double down, you choose to double your bet, and recieve one more card. You must stay regardless of what this next card is, and you choose to waive your right to hit further. The Magical "FAERIE" is always available. The Faerie will tell you if it is wise to hit or stay. The Faerie never lies, and is always right. If the next card in the deck will make your hand 21 or less the Faerie will say "HIT" and if the next card will make you go bust the Faerie will say "STAY." The Faerie was added because BlackJack is, on the average, designed to give the dealer the advantage. That is why Las Vegas is so enamored with BlackJack as a game. The Faerie is only an option… we are not forcing you to use it. BlackJack Purists will ignore the Faerie. ___________________________________________________ •THE STRIPPING PART OF THE GAME As in Strip Poker, the object of strip BlackJack is to get the other player naked. We at Black Dog Software felt that the idea of computer money was pretty rediculous, because no matter how much you win, you'll have a hard time trading it in for a Big Mac from a local McDonalds. The idea of seeing Michelle in the buff is many things, but certainly not silly. You'll be trading in your funny money for her clothes as you play, so the money is simply a way of keeping track of winning. If you don't like the idea of trading in money for clothes, you have bought the wrong program. Heres how it works: You each start with an amount of money (easy: $500, medium: $1000, Hard: $2000, Real Hard: $4000). When either you or her run out of money, you trade a piece of clothing to get all of your starting money back. If a player has lost clothing, and their opposition looses all of his/her money, then you get to put a piece of clothing back on. In other words: this is kill or be killed Strip BlackJack. Only one person will be missing clothing. The other person will be fully dressed. For example: You are playing on the"Fair" setting. You both have all of your clothing on and you keep winnig until you have $2000 and she has $0. She will take off her shirt and the pots will equal $1000 again. If you get $2000 again, she takes off her pants. If she gets $2000 then she earns back her shirt. If she gets another $2000 after that, then you take off your shirt. PLAY NICELY AND TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES WHEN THE COMPUTER TELLS YOU TO. NOBODY LIKES A CHEATER!!!! Michelle has five pieces of Clothing. They are: •Shirt •Shorts •Teddy •Bra •Panties If you have any other questions about the stripping part of this game we have just one suggestion: Play to win. you look really funny sitting naked infront of your MAC!!! ___________________________________________________ •Glossary BUST- Going bust is receiving cards totaling more than 21. If you go bust, you loose yor bet, and that round is over. DOUBLE DOWN- You may select to double down after the first two cards are dealt to you. One more card is given to you, and your bet is doubled. HIT- Recieve another card. INSURANCE- When the dealer has an ace showing you can buy insurance for half of your bet. Your insurance cost is lost, but if the dealer has a Natural BlackJack you don't loose your bet. STAY- Stay with the cards you have. Your total is the added values of these cards.